Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Kreativ Blogger Award!

Lauren at has tagged me with my first blog award! She has one of the cutest blogs! She is soo sweet you have to go check her out. I have just started blogging a few weeks ago and I have truly enjoyed getting to know her. Thanks for the award Lauren!!!

The Rules for the award are:

1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people may not know.
5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each.

7 Things about me:

1. When I first started college I had no idea what I wanted to major in. All I have ever wanted to be was a wife and a mommy! Mr. Love decided he wanted to be a teacher and coach so unfortunately that wouldn't bring in enough money to allow me to be a stay at home mom. After many prayers and much thought I decided I wanted to teach Family and Consumer Science classes (home economics.) I want to teach topics that include nutrition, menu planning, food preparation, clothing care and construction, money management,consumer awareness, and child development. Topics that I love! Being a teacher I will be home during the summer with my children, I will also get off work the same time as they do, and I will be able to teach "lifeskills" things that everyone should know. I would also eventually like to start teaching adult education classes. I'm so happy with my decision and I'm truly blessed I have this opportunity.

2. Over the summer I have started putting my recipes together and would eventually like to create a cook book.

3. I have a slight obsession with Goldendoodles. But can you blame me?

4. I absolutely love mexican food. It's my weakness. I actually ate mexican for dinner last night! Mr. Love and I almost eat mexican once a week. We really need to stop. haha

5. I have to create a list for everyday. I have to have a plan. I feel very uncomfortable with out knowing what I have to do or where I have to be. I know it's weird. I'm not a fly by the seat of your pants kinda girl ha!

6. I'm getting married next summer!!! Hopefully June 5th but we are not for sure yet. I have to call and see if the church is open that weekend. I CAN'T WAIT. It's all I think about.

7. My newest hobby is cake decorating. Okay well I'm interested in learning to cake decorate. I would love to do my own wedding cake but that probably won't happen. That would be to much stress.... I have been buy magazines and researching strategies. Once I get brave enough I actually do a cake I'll put pictures up. Ha... maybe not it depends how embarrassing it is.

I hope everyone has learned a little about me! Since I have just started blogging a couple of weeks ago I actually don't have 7 followers yet :( But I love all of the followers I do have a I tag all of them with the Kreativ award.


  1. I am with you on making lists.....I love to check things off my list so much that sometimes I add things to the list that I have already done just so I can check it off!! ;) ha! Thanks for stopping by my blog, new bloggy friend!

  2. Congrats on your award, and thanks for following me! I'm a relatively new blogger too, I look forward to getting to know you!

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog ... I am now following you!!


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